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City Council Meeting 04/03/2008
Auburn City Council
Meeting #13
April 3, 2008
Work Session Meeting

Roll Call – Councilor Graney, McNabb, Smith, Brower and Mayor Quill – Present

Staff – Mark Palesh, City Manager, Debra McCormick, City Clerk, John Rossi, Corporation Counsel, Lisa Green, Comptroller, Karen Green, Human Resources, Jerry Del Favero, Public Works, Gary Giannotta, Police Chief, Mike Hammon Fire Chief, Mike Talbot, Landfill Supervisor.

Pledge of Allegiance – Mayor Quill asked all to stand for the pledge.

Moment of Silent Prayer or Reflection – Mayor Quill asked for a moment of silence.

Mayor Quill asked for consensus from Council to add an item (Resolution #35) to the agenda.  All agreed.  

In light of the recent closing of the Frederick Street Firehouse, Mayor Quill announced that Council had agreed to amend the agenda for tonight’s meeting to allow time for a public to be heard segment.

Prior to the public to be heard segment, City Manager Mark Palesh asked that Fire Chief Mike Hammon be allowed to make a brief presentation for the public regarding the Frederick St. closure.  Chief Hammon distributed a handout entitled “City of Auburn Fire Department - Work Force Consolidation 2008”.  This outlined goals that have been established and the steps that will be taken to achieve them.

Public to be Heard
Steve Parker, Local 1446 Union President, spoke in opposition to the recent closing of the Frederick Street Fire Station.  He stated it was not in the best interest of the community.

Bob Sloan, Retired Assistant Fire Chief spoke in opposition to the closing of the Frederick St. Firehouse.  He listed the schools, senior homes, and businesses that will be at risk.  He stated he was familiar with the 2003 MMA Fire Department Study that the City Manager and Fire Chief have based their Frederick Street closure decision on.  He discussed why he thought their use of the study for this decision was mistaken.

Bill Jacobs, Retired Fire Captain, Cottage St. resident – commented and asked if the City Manager has the authority to make this decision with out a City Council vote and if the discussion of the closure by council was legal under the Open Meetings Law.  

Tom Gabak, CSEA President and Washington St. resident spoke to ask Council to support the requested equipment purchases for Public Works that will be reviewed during the work session at this meeting.

Presentations and Proclamations  - None

Public Announcements – The City Clerk read an message from Robert Gauthier, City Treasurer, announcing expanded online payment options for City residents via the City’s website.

Presentations of Petitions and Communications – The Clerk read communications regarding agenda items. She also read a copy of a letter from Mayor Quill supporting Congressman Michael Acruri’s request to have the local Social Security contact station moved to City Hall for easier citizen access.

Ordinances  - FIRST READING – The City Clerk read the following Ordinances into the record.  Bond Ordinance # 4 of 2008 authorizing the issuance of $1,225,000 Serial Bonds for the purchase of Equipment for Pubic Works.

Local Laws  - NONE

Work Session  - Jerry DelFavero, Superintendent of Public Works, and Mike Talbot, Landfill Supervisor distributed a list of equipment they is requesting be replaced during the 2008-09 budget period.  He reviewed this list with Council.  Council and staff discussed.  

Other Business

Council unanimously approved Resolution #35 of 2008 changing the time and date of next weeks meeting to Wednesday April 9, 2008 at 3PM.  

Council adjourned to Executive Session at 6:50PM returning at 7:15PM.

Adjournment  - Council adjourned at 7:15PM.